Hello, how can we help you?
How to buy a train ticket online?
Is it cheaper to buy train tickets in advance?
Voir plusHow do I collect my tickets from the station?
Where do I find my train ticket number?
Voir plusHow to refund a train ticket in the UK?
Can I get a refund for my split tickets?
Voir plusCan I take a bike on the train in the UK?
Are pets allowed on trains in the UK?
Voir plusWhat happens if my train is cancelled?
How do I claim compensation if my train is delayed?
Voir plusHow do I import my bookings to my account using the TrainPal App?
Why haven't I received my tickets?
Voir plusHow can I use cash back on TrainPal?
How to refer a friend/ share the invite code via TrainPal?
Voir plusWhat are split tickets on TrainPal?
How do you use split tickets with TrainPal?
Voir plusFAQs About Eurostar and Italy Rail
Est-ce que TrainPal est une option fiable pour acheter des billets de train en Italie ?
Dois-je acheter des billets de train pour l'Italie à l'avance pour payer moins cher ?
Voir plus